The time has come to give Stockholm a bigger piece of the cake. In a new place that’s more beautiful than any bridge, bigger than a dance floor and more rugged than your average back yard - we’ll serve you four unique partys during 2020. A place that will be filled with a mixture of what Trädgården and Under Bron stands for, what they’ve created and been giving us for the past ten years.
This place is called Yard!
Yard is a cross-fertilized party, where Under Bron’s faint atmosphere meets Trädgårdens lurid scenes and Daytime Sessions smokescreens. Only this time amplified to XXXL size.
Stay tuned to be a part of the gang <3
This place is called Yard!
Yard is a cross-fertilized party, where Under Bron’s faint atmosphere meets Trädgårdens lurid scenes and Daytime Sessions smokescreens. Only this time amplified to XXXL size.
Stay tuned to be a part of the gang <3

Act no. 3
OCT 31
LINE-UP TBAAct no. 4
DEC 25
LINE-UP TBAWanna be a part of the gang? Sign up!
Thanks for trusting us with your personal data. We will only use it to communicate about YARD, nothing else. See you on the dance floor! For more info about how we handle your data, please go to: http://www.tradgarden.com/index.php?view=trygghet